10 Health Benefits of Kale


Kale is being touted as “the queen of greens” or “the new beef”. It is having a moment right now.

Many health food fads come and go, but kale has been a stable player on the super foods list.

Kale presents a nutritional powerhouse and has numerous benefits to your health. A cup of kale entails only 36 calories and zero fat. It is also high in antioxidants and vitamins.

You can eat it green raw or cooked.

Kale was once referred to as the ‘poor people food’, but now it has emerged as the new trend.

Celebrities like Woody Harrelson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are all eating kale to help them feel better and keep the ‘sleek physique’ necessary for stardom.

Some of the benefits associated with kale are listed below…….

1. It has loads of Iron
You might be surprised that kale is being referred to as the “new beef”. That’s because it has more iron than beef.

The moment you don’t have sufficient iron in your diet, you run the risk of suffering from fatigue, poor mental function and anemia.

You can obtain all the iron you require from kale, and will never worry about eating all that meat.

2. Lower Risk of Cancer
Kale’s powerful combination of phyto, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients develops a strong weapon in lowering or preventing one’s risk of cancer, such as colon, prostate or breast.

The health benefits of kale never cease to amaze researchers as much of these findings are still relatively new.

Kale is a great source of glucosinolates. These nutrients are believed to fight carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in the body when ingested.

3. Detoxification and Weight Loss
The sulfur and fiber in kale aid with liver health and digestion.

The Vitamin C available helps hydrate your body and also increases your metabolism. This leads to healthy blood sugar levels and weight loss.

The fiber also helps to lower cholesterol.

4. Vitamin C: Immunity Booster and Healthy Skin

One cup of kale contains 130% of your RDI of vitamin C. This is even more than what you will find in an orange.

The benefits associated with vitamin C have been appraised for years. It helps with the appearance of strong, healthy skin and cells repair.

Vitamin C is believed to boost collagen in the skin to help it appear strong and supple. Reduced vitamin C levels prevent collagen from generating, leaving the skin weak and prone to cuts.

Research postulates that vitamin C also functions as a natural sun-block, which prevents the skin from being damaged by the harmful sun rays.

It is well know that vitamin C deficiencies comprise a weakened immune system that leaves the body susceptible to illnesses.

Kale may be more beneficial during cold seasons compared to having a glass of orange juice, since it contains zero sugar.

5. Role of Kale in Diabetes
A diet rich in fiber helps to lower the blood glucose levels for people suffering from type 1 diabetes.

With regards people suffering from type 2 diabetes, the diet helps in improving insulin, lipid and blood sugar levels.

You can obtain 2 grams of fiber from one cup of fresh kale.

Research has shown that alpha-lipoic acid (present in kale) can help lower glucose levels, reduce changes caused by oxidative stress and increase insulin sensitivity. It also decreases autonomic and peripheral neuropathy in diabetics.

6. Strengthen Your Immune System

Kale’s remarkable concentration of nutrients helps to strengthen the immune system and fights bacteria and viruses.

It contains more iron compared to beef hence making it a favorable source of this important mineral for vegetarians and vegans.

It helps into getting more oxygen into your blood and significantly helps those who are anemic.

7. Kale is high in fiber, low in calorie and has zero fat
One cup of kale contains 5 grams of fiber, 0 grams of fat and only 36 calories.

It is favorable for helping in digestion and elimination based on its fiber content.

It also contains several nutrients, magnesium, vitamins and folate among others.

8. It is rich with Vitamin K
A diet rich with Vitamin K can help protect against a variety of cancers.

It is also essential for variety of bodily functions that include normal blood clotting and bone health.

Increased levels of vitamin K can also help people suffering from the Alzheimer’s disease.

9. Develop Infants’ Brains
Kale has important role fetus brain development while in the womb. It ensures neural tube formation, proper birth weight and appropriate development of the heart and face.

For women that are trying to conceive and are using synthetic supplements which bear unpleasant side effects, have to incorporate kale in their diet.

10. High in Magnesium
The dark green chlorophyll in kale hosts an important mineral known as magnesium.

Magnesium has a lot of uses in the body, yet it receives minimal credit. It is vital for helping people to de-stress, digestion, balancing of calcium levels.

Magnesium helps to convert vitamin D so that the body can absorb it as calcium.


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