10 Ways of Achieving a Work-Life Balance


In a world where people find themselves working in roles that may well be considered “always on” jobs, how do you attain and maintain work-life balance? How do leaders and companies promote this way of life?

To say the least, it’s a challenge.

For many people, juggling the demands of a personal and career life is a constant challenge.

This is more so in a period when many companies have cut their ranks and are expecting more from the survivors.

There are various aspects that can help you maintain a balance……

1.Set your priorities

Figure out what you want your priorities to entail, and not what you think they ought to be.

You should ask yourself, “If I can only focus on one thing in life, what would that be?”

That answer should be your top priority.

What will you focus on second priority? Third? Fourth? Fifth? Now you have identified the top five priorities.

  1. Track your time

Analyzing your present situation can be considered as the initial step in achieving a balanced life.

Keeping a time log of everything that has been for one week, including personal and work-related activities is advisable.

The data will act as an eye-opener, to help you understand how you are using and wasting your time.

  1. Be proactive and not reactive

The moment you become reactive you tend to lose touch with what is really important.

As a result, you don’t operate at peak capacity, which causes stress.

Taking time and effort to plan ahead while anticipating what your managers or colleagues may request makes you prepared to juggle multiple tasks by scheduling your time.

When your schedule planned, it gives you the ability to attack those tasks proactively, instead of waiting for external inputs to land on, and increase your stress levels and leave you overwhelmed.

This will also prevent you from bringing loads of work home on a regular basis.

  1. Trust in your peers

Best managers usually trust their employees, while best employees have immense trust in their company’s leadership.

When you believe in your colleagues’ intellect, work ethic and skill set, you share the load.

This is regardless of whether you think that you ought to do everything yourself.

  1. Respect boundaries

You will not achieve your balance if you do not respect the boundaries you have established.

In the beginning, it will be hard, but you ought to stick with it in order to develop a routine while cultivating a culture and lifestyle of predictability.

On occasions you will find there is also something else that you can do.

There will always be another email to reply to or a predicament to work on, but you ought to personally respect your boundaries.

If you do not do it then you cannot expect others to respect them.

  1. Pace yourself

In order to establish a long, productive, happy and healthy life and career you ought to understand the value of pace.

There are periods when you need to throttle down and there are periods when you can throttle up.

Self-awareness is vital. Doing so helps you get pleasure from the journey as much as the destination.

7. Respect your private time

There must be an emergency before you reschedule an essential work meeting.

You should accord your own time a similar level of respect.

The moment you have put private time on your schedule, you should protect it unless there is an emergency.

  1. Schedule scrupulously

Successful people tend to plan their work and then work on the plan.

Since you have one life, you should have one date planner.

Whether electronic or paper, this represents vehicle that you will use to turn your goals and priorities into reality.

Set aside 15 to 25 minutes at the beginning of every day to plan your activities and tasks for the day ahead.

  1. Personalize your work space

Your work environment should be inspiring since you spend a lot of time working.  If it’s appropriate you can bring your pet to the office, fill your space with photographs or artwork, buy yourself a plant or that which makes you happy.

  1. Take care of your health

Your health is always the number 1 priority.

If physically, emotionally and mentally you are not in good shape, both your personal and work life will suffer.

You should take care of yourself by exercise at least three times per week, eating healthy meals and sleeping a minimum of seven hours every night.

Maybe you think you don’t have time to add extra sleep and exercise to your jam-packed schedule, but you should know that these practices raise your energy level, relieve stress,  increase your stamina, boost your immune system, improve your mental clarity and make you a happier, more productive, and more engaged.

Furthermore, refrain from the excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs for relieving stress. These substances only tend to cause even more problems.


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