10 Ways to Ensure Your Man Loves you Forever

Happy couple enjoying a coffee at the coffee shop; activities; adult; and; attractive; beautiful; bright; business; cafe; cafeteria; caucasian; cheerful; coffee; communication; conversation; couple; cup; customer; day; discussion; drink; female; food; friend; friendship; half; handsome; happy; holding; house; indoors; industry; interacting; leisure; length; lifestyle; male; man; mug; off; pretty; relationship; relaxing; restaurant; retail; shop; side; sitting; smiling; speaking; talking; time; together; view; weekend; window; woman; young

As women I know you will agree with me when I say that men are a mystery. For instance, who built the pyramids? It is not known. What would happen if you wrote your man a love letter, got him flowers? No one knows. So do not do it. (However, men, if you are reading this, please write the woman in your life love letters and buy her flowers since women are not mysteries; actually, they are precise just like IKEA instructions.)

Do you want to understand the secrets on how to capture a man’s heart?

Who doesn’t, right? Whether it is a husband, boyfriend or long-time crush, women would do almost anything to make their men fall completely in-love with them.

I am sure you also desire the same thing. Here are 10 things you can execute to capture his heart and make him love you….

1. Praise his penis — often
There are guys that don’t get off on being told how their junk is more amazing compared to a cookie dough ice cream. It does not matter what kind of penises or how many you have had before. You need to love what he has and think it is just amazing. You also need to tell him that his ability to use it is equally amazing.
This does not need to be continuous, but occasional reminders that you are excessively fond of his junk is equivalent of being wrapped in a warm blanket whilst sitting in front of the fire, sipping hot chocolate that has Bailey’s Irish Cream in it.

2. Focus on yourself
This is an archetypal mistake made by most women. They lose their identity the moment they fall in love. They tend to forget about their career, life passions, social life and isolate themselves from family and friends.
Have you ever considered that maybe it was the old you that actually caught his attention? Do not fall into this trap since he will miss the confident, independent woman he fell in love with in the first place.

3. Make him a snack after sex
Men love sex, and they also love snacks. That is right, immediately after sex, just dash to the kitchen. This will work wonders for you.

4. Learn the art of compromise
You are not going to share similar opinions with your man at all times. That is pretty normal. What you should remember during these periods is that the two of you are in a relationship, and not in a battle arena

5. Take pride in looking nice for him

There is no need to starve yourself or indulge in CrossFit until you puke. You may forego surgical tucking and nipping as well. However, there is some merit in taking some time to look nice for your man (and for yourself). You should expect him to reciprocate the good gesture too.

It is not just about looking good for each other, but indulging in mutually supportive, healthy behaviors. Eat mostly good food, engage in some exercise, and you will feel happier, hornier and less probable to getting a debilitating disease before your time.

6. Go easy on the nagging
Let’s be realistic; every man hates nagging. Even those that seem not to, they are just pretending. He is just putting up with you. How long do you think it will last until he gets tired? A month? A year? Do away with nagging, and you will have your man for as long as you want.

7. Don’t forget to beautify
It is true that real beauty is within, and most likely your man knows that. However, it does not mean that you should stop paying attention on your looks.

You do not have to undertake an extreme makeover. Wearing make-up or dressing up once in a while when going out would do. If you have gained weight over the years, you might need to start hitting the gym in order to get fit and healthy. Your man will love you more when he knows that you are taking care of yourself.

8. Keep lust alive with surprise sex
You are just sited on the sofa watching a movie or something, and you just turn to your partner and ask him “Wanna f*ck?” Such random sex escapades tend to keep the fire burning.

9. Have his back in whatever he does
I am not saying that you should help him to cover up a murder, but there are times that he is going to be in need of an ally. You are supposed to be there for him. Expect him to do the same thing for you, more so when it comes to him being on your side against his own mother. You need to be a team for the relationship to last.


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